USFWS Alpena Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office Update James Boase
Child PresentationHEC Initiative Project Updates Matthew Child
Dettmers PresentationSpatial Ecology, Movement, and Mortality of Walleye John Dettmers
Extreme Makeover: Brownfield Edition John Hartig
A Comparison of the St. Clair River Fish Community 1993 vs. 2011 Stephen R. Hensler
Lake Strugeon Restoration: Information Needs Darryl Hondorp
Lapan PresentationNiagara River Corridor Initiative Steve Lapan
Conservation Action Plan (CAP) Application to Large Scale Conservation and Restoration Doug Pearsall
HEC Larval Fish Update Ed Roseman
Concept in development by DEQs Office of the Great Lakes and Water Resources Division, and the Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development Michelle Selzer
Genetic Identification of Walleye & Yellow Perch Stocks along the HEC: Preliminary Findings Pre- & Post-habitat Augmentation Carol Stepien
Clinton Rivermouth Habitat Restoration Project Mike Thomas