
Partnership Agreement, Strategic Vision, and Priority Objectives

SCDRS Report Card, Viability Analysis & Science and Monitoring Database

Relevant Literature and Projects

SCDRS Areas of Concern Program Information

SCRDS-related Great Lakes Areas of Concern


Return of the Gentle Giants: St. Clair – Detroit River System Fish Habitat Restoration. This video is focusing on the successful St. Clair River fish habitat restoration project and the science and collaboration that made it a success! Video on YouTube.

Corridor Map


Remediating Native Fish Spawning Habitat in the St. Clair – Detroit River System

March 2014. The United States Geological Survey and partners prepared a full report describing upcoming fish spawning reef projects and potential environmental impacts.

    • Report including signature page and appendices

Use of the Partnership Logo

The Partnership Logo can be downloaded here for use on SCDRS related material. For high-profile media events, including press releases, please contact the Communications Subcommittee Chair to coordinate with agency press releases.